Today statistics around the world show an increase of children born to single mothers, huge decrease in created marriages and around 43 percent of them are divorced every year. In spite of this, I think that there is nothing that would change the importance of marriage in society.
First of all, people often say that they do not need a piece of paper for their relationship. But in my opinion it is not about a piece of paper. If you are married to someone, it means you want to take responsibility for it, you mean it seriously and you dont want to leave any back door open in case that... You are able to commit to stay in every case. Most couples do not realize what does it really mean "in good and in bad, in sickness and in health". Marriage completely changes the meaning of relationship. You do not want to be together just while everything is fine, but you promise to be together in every situation. And this is the thing. There are a lot of people who will be with you in happiness but you need someone who would like to be with you everytime.
Another thing is that when you are married the goal of your relationship is not to be happy but to make another person happy. You are able to sacrifice and you are satisfied that your partner wants to do the same. Married people should also be stronger in other parts and troubles of life.
On the another hand, some people find it impossible to find somebody who they will be with forever. An ideal man or woman who they will be happy ever after with. They dont know each other, they get married and then divorced. But when you are looking for a perfect, faultless person, you will never find him/her. You just can find someone who you are resolute to love in spite of it.
When one old lady married for 65 years was asked how is it possible to stay together so long, she answered that they were born in a time when something was broken, they would fix it. Partnership without marriage is for me something incomplete and temporary. No modern thinking can change it.
Moja esej na angličtinu. Na rozdiel od väčšiny z našej triedy mi celkom sadla a myslím si, že to, keď 18 roční vo "všetkom skúsení" ľudia povedia, že nemajú názor na to, čo pre nich znamená manželstvo, už len toto samé výborne ilustruje aké má manželstvo miesto v spoločnosti.
Moja esej na angličtinu. Na rozdiel od väčšiny z našej triedy mi celkom sadla a myslím si, že to, keď 18 roční vo "všetkom skúsení" ľudia povedia, že nemajú názor na to, čo pre nich znamená manželstvo, už len toto samé výborne ilustruje aké má manželstvo miesto v spoločnosti.